Robert Chan

About Robert Chan

I’m passionate to assist proven small business owners to scale and solve bigger and more meaningful problems as well as connecting them with ethical, well-intentioned investors that supports great small businesses, creates the value and jobs to enhance what they are doing.

Why Would A Company Go For A Reverse Takeover Strategy?


Being public also provides you with the benefit of being able to issue your own currency by issuing new shares to acquire unlisted companies and other firms. This is the critical factor a company considers doing an IPO or selling into a private equity firm or whatever the end goal is. This is where [...]

Why Would A Company Go For A Reverse Takeover Strategy?2020-11-22T20:51:16+00:00

Do I need to pay my Personal Guarantee obligations? Can I decrease it or avoid it?


The demand to pay under a personal guarantee is always nerve-wracking. However, all is not lost since with proper advice they can often be reduced considerably or even avoid them altogether.To decide the level of liability under a personal guarantee, there are a number of factors you need to take into consideration. A key consideration [...]

Do I need to pay my Personal Guarantee obligations? Can I decrease it or avoid it?2020-11-22T20:53:27+00:00